Thursday, January 7, 2010

My Childhood Toy Obsessions

Okay, so my friend Keek (Rahmah) is over at my house and we're talking about different toys that we were obsessed with as children (whether we were able to buy them or not), and from there this list began:

1) Sky Dancers
i was OBSESSED with Sky Dancers!! Sky Dancers were a line of toys that were popular in the mid-1990s. The toys were constructed of a pull-string base (like a lawn-mower) and a doll with foam wings. When the doll was inserted into the base and the string pulled, the doll would launch into the air, spinning its wings like a propeller as it flew. i remember that i FINALLY got one as a gift on my 8th birthday and i was fureeeaaakin out! I had wanted a Sky Dancer ever since I saw one of the commercials during my Saturday morning cartoons. Unfortunately, the day after i received my awesome gift, I was playing with "Angelica" on my porch and pulled the string too hard and she FLEW up...and landed on my roof. I yelled for my dad to get her and due to his Afghan-standard time, he got there too late and the sun was already down so he couldn't see anything. I couldn't sleep that night. The next morning, i woke him up early to climb on the ladder and grab my toy, and mysteriously she was GONE! I think a squirrel or a bird took her. RIP Angelica...we were never able to spend a lot of time together...but i still loved you. :(

2) Power Wheels!
DUDE!!! i NEVER got Power freakin Wheels! What the heck Mom and Dad! You deprived me of my childhood! I went to this prissy little boys house when i was little and he had not one, but TWO power wheels! Do you know how jealous i was of this kid??!! So jealous that i slashed his tires with the Swiss army knife my dad gave me for my 10th birthday.
...that was a joke. the tire-slashing part...but not the Swiss army knife part.

3) My Size Barbie
Okay, so i never got one of these either :( BUT i will buy one of these for my future daughter and she will ENJOY IT! When i was younger, by the time my mom would actually even CONSIDER getting me one of these, i didn't even fit into her clothes anymore. The "My Size" was no longer my size :( ....thanks mom for crushing my dreams of ever becoming a 3-foot tall Princess.

4) Easy Bake Oven
Man i dont care if you're a boy or a girl, THIS toy was uh.may.zing. for reals! What kid doesn't love creating confectionary treats in a working toy oven??!! I remember my mom got us one of these when we were too young to even realize what it is so we just ruined it without even a cookie being baked inside of it :(. But then our trusty partner-in-crime and fellow neighbor Ozra got one a few years later and we baked the hell out of that thing until the light bulb burnt out. We kept saying we would replace the bulb, but it never happened, and so the Easy Bake cafe was closed for business indefinitely.

5) Skip it
'Skip It' was the rich kids jump rope. It was an excuse for lazy kids to not use their hands anymore...and MAN did i wanna be one of those lazy kids. i LOVED these things. I never got this as a kid, so the only chance i had of playing with one was:

  1. In my dreams

  2. When we'd visit Toys R Us and i was able to play with the "samples."

  3. When this white girl in my class would bring it to school and let me play with it during recess. thanks white girl.

6) Bop It
Okay, last one people (at least for now). 'Bop It' melted childrens brains. The voice that would call out the commands for this toy was soooo annoying. I remember playing with one of these during recess, and a group of kids would get in a circle and whoever was able to follow the pattern of commands the longest, was the "IT" kid of the day, no joke! The kid who got the furthest in the game was the kid who everyone wanted to be friends with that day. I mean...they EARNED that right. That hardworking kid who got through 7 heart-pounding, gut-wrenching, blister-causing 'Bop It' rounds worked HARD to focus their fast reflexes on pushing, pulling and twisting. No, but on a serious note...i was always the winner and thats why im so amazing :)


Hope you enjoyed! PEACEEEEE!

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